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Teknipure TekniZorb LXS MeltBlown Pre-Saturated Polypropylene Wipes – Case


TekniZorb LXS Meltblown Polypropylene Wipers with AccuSat offer a very low-shedding wiping solution to deposit IPA while effectively removing residue from the surface in your controlled environment. 70% Isopropanol (IPA) and 30% deionized water. 9″ x 11″ wipes.

  • Excellent chemical compatibility
  • Applies IPA efficiently while minimizing VOC emissions.
  • Exceptionally clean

TekniZorb LXS Polypropylene Data Sheet

Packaging (priced per case): 50/pouch; 24 pouches/case

Quantity Discount: 5-9 Cases 4%; 10+ Cases 7%

(Discount applies to entire Cleanroom Wipes category)

Teknipure TekniZorb LXS MeltBlown Pre-Saturated Polypropylene Wipes - Case

TekniZorb LXS Meltblown Polypropylene Wipers with AccuSat offer a very low-shedding wiping solution to deposit IPA while effectively removing residue from the surface in your controlled environment. 70% Isopropanol (IPA) and 30% deionized water. 9″ x 11″ wipes. 50 each/pouch, 24 pouches/case.


  • Ideal for efficient surface cleaning and sanitization between and during processing
  • Useful for pass through wiping and PPE wipe down in gowning areas
  • Suitable for use in ISO 5 and higher cleanrooms

Additional information

Weight 26 lbs
Dimensions 13 × 13 × 13 in
Cleanroom Class

ISO 5, ISO 6, ISO 7, ISO 8








Food Processing, Industrial Manufacturing, Laboratory, Medical Device, Optics

Alcohol Mixture

70% IPA/30% DI H2O