Cleanroom and Static Control Experts Since 2001
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BenchPro Dewey Series Workbenches

The Benchpro Dewey Series workbenches feature a recessed leg design.

The Benchpro Dewey Series workbenches feature a recessed leg design and 16-gauge tubular steel frame and legs.  The weight capacity of the Dewey Series bench is 5,000 lbs. and are the easiest workbenches in the industry to assemble.

The Benchpro Dewey Series workbenches come in a variety of colors and sizes and may be ordered with the following work surfaces: Formica, ESD Laminate, Cleanroom Laminate, Phenolic Resin, Stainless Steel or Butcher Block.

We also carry a large selection of accessories to complete your Benchpro Dewey workstation.

25-year unconditional warranty on all Benchpro workbenches

Please contact Midwest Production Supply to ensure you select the correct workbench to meet your specific needs or let us answer any questions you may have.